Not All Birds Are Created Equal..

Every Year since the inception of Prairie Game Birds we have chosen the fittest, feistiest, best looking Pheasants in our stock as our breeders for the next year.  As this stock breeds we collect the eggs and place them in our incubators and hatch them.   They are cared for and fed a proprietary formula of nutrients and grain that gives them what they need to grow and mature into healthy spirited adults.

Our philosophy at Prairie Game Bids is to make available Premium, Feisty, flight ready pheasants to our customers so they may enjoyRing Neck Pheasant the sport of Pheasant  Hunting close to hunting Pheasants naturally in the wild.

We strive for quality first and as the years pass our quantities will increase after 2020 to available stock close to 7 thousand healthy birds.

If you want to experience the best in Pheasant Hunting Notify Us long before the season begins to reserve your birds.

Have A Blessed Day
