Wake Me Up When We Get There…

Imagine an Olympic swimmer jumping out of bed after 8 Hours of Sleep and hopping in the pool and setting a world record. Now Imagine that Olympic swimmer getting out of bed and waking up, warming up and preparing for the next competition. Of course the latter would give them the better chances of success.

With this same thought in mind imagine taking a Frisky Game Bird out of a flight pen and putting them in a cramped cage with 10 or so other birds. Transporting them for hours and then hours longer stuck in the cage as you prepare for your hunt. Then immediately take them birds out and place them in a field and moments later send old yeller out to scare them up so you can begin your hunt. That right there is the cause of the several complaints that we have received over the years that our birds would not fly.

This is something that Many hunters do not give a thought to when preparing a day hunting. What is needed when the birds are let loose out in the hunting area is for everyone to go have that last cup of coffee and let the birds move around for about 45 minutes and get there where-abouts back to them and then begin your hunt.

This is so important after transporting Game Birds out to a hunting area that we can not stress it enough. Let the birds get their facilities back to them and then go after them. Do not worry about the Game Birds getting away from you if old yeller is worth his/her salt them birds will be found and ready to put your hunting skills to the test.

If you do not have a hunting dog with you it is still important to prepare the birds in this way because most game birds do a lot of ground running but active, frisky game birds pop up and fly quicker.

Happy Hunting


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